Full-time Health and Safety Oversight
About this Project
Multiple contractors retained our health and safety team to provide full-time, on-site oversight for a hospital construction project in Marquette, MI.
Per construction management requirements, any contractor that had 30+ workers on site at one time was to provide full-time safety oversight.

Safety oversight responsibilities
Our responsibilities included:
- Safety oversight
- New hire training
- Construction-specific compliance trainings
- Incident investigation and injury case management, recording, and enforcement
- Job hazard analysis
- Creating and delivering weekly toolbox talks
- Daily and weekly job site audits
- Participating in Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration (MIOSHA) compliance audits
The project was a part of the MIOSHA Partnerships for Worker Safety and Health program. MIOSHA partnerships team pair up forward-thinking contractors with project managers who have common goals.
These goals include:
- Zero Injuries
- Zero Accidents
- Zero Near Misses
- Promoting positive attitudes and actions in team members
Positive attitudes continue to influence worker safety knowledge and performance beyond a specific project. Statistically, MIOSHA partnerships result in a reduction in workplace injuries and incidents. As part of the project, MIOSHA Consulting Education and Training (CET) Division was invited to perform quarterly walkthroughs in an effort to promote safe work practices and MIOSHA compliance. Also, as part of the partnership, MIOSHA performed annual compliance inspections.
During the life of the project, none of the contractors that hired our team for safety oversight received a MIOSHA citation.
We continue to participate in the hospital’s safety program. For example, Marquette General Hospital retained our safety personnel to perform a site inspection and audit of all confined spaces on site. As part of this, we wrote the hospital’s confined space and lockout/tagout (LOTO) programs and will train employees on the new programs in the future.

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Contact Us
830 W Washington St
Marquette, MI 49855
Offices in Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Arizona, and Nebraska
(906) 228-5125
Robert Lehto – President
Tom Anthos – Vice President