The American Board of Industrial Hygiene® (ABIH®) reminds employers, workers, and families of the need to protect against exposure to lead hazards.

Lansing, MI, October 22nd, 2018 — October 21st through the 27th is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW) in the United States. This same period is recognized as International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action in much of the rest of the world.

In the U.S., National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is described by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a weeklong campaign to bring together individuals, organizations, industry, and state and local governments to help increase lead awareness by using their efforts and collaborations to reduce childhood exposure to lead. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines this year’s international week of action as having a particular focus on eliminating lead paint and the role of lead exposure in the development of intellectual disability in children.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that childhood lead poisoning is considered the most preventable environmental disease among young children. Unfortunately, approximately half a million U.S. children have blood lead levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter, the reference level at which the CDC recommends public health actions be initiated.

“Much of the lead exposure that exists today for children and adults is due to the past use of lead-based paints, although people can also be exposed to elevated levels of lead in the water they drink and in some cases from their job,” said Jeffrey Miller, PhD, CIH® and Chair of ABIH®. “Workers in some occupations could even be exposing their families to secondary lead exposure hazards by bringing lead dust home on their skin, hair, clothes, shoes, and even tools. At ABIH® we support the efforts of government agencies, institutions, and private industry to build awareness of lead hazards to educate workers and their families about ways to protect themselves from exposure risks.”

Working to prevent lead poisoning in the work environment and throughout communities are Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs). These dedicated professionals are uniquely qualified to help identify and manage lead exposure risks. They are trained and experienced in workplace assessments, community exposure, air sampling, toxicology, risk analysis, hazard communication, and engineering controls. These and other core areas of expertise required to become a CIH® are critical for their ability to establish or maintain a safe and healthy work environment and to protect the public from lead hazards.

To learn more about the American Board of Industrial Hygiene®, the Certified Industrial Hygienist® credential, or to locate a CIH® to perform industrial hygiene services, please visit or email  For information about the Qualified Environmental Practitioner (QEP®) credential or Environmental Professional In-Training (EPI) designation, visit or email  Please call (517) 321-2638 for questions about ABIH or its credentials and designations.

About the American Board of Industrial Hygiene®

Since 1960, ABIH®, a not-for-profit corporation, has been the world’s largest organization for certifying professionals in the practice of industrial hygiene. ABIH® is the premier credentialing body responsible for ensuring high-quality certification including education, experience, examination, certification maintenance, and ethics enforcement. ABIH® also administers the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP®) credential for established environmental practitioners and the Environmental Professional In-Training (EPI) designation for early-career practitioners. Currently, more than 7,600 people around the world hold the CIH® credential, QEP® credential, or EPI designation.